Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Did we see this Virus coming

None of us did. We thought about how connected we are. We thought about how easy it was to buy/sell/trade/travel and see the world. Communication channels, social media, high speed internet and transport links built us into a giant, dare I say it, village.
Solid chains, ropes, trails and seamless jet streams in increasingly grey skies and I could fly to Manila for 24 hours and attend a meeting.
I don't need to come back here and drone on about what we did wrong.
I do want to think that we now have the time, forced upon us, to reflect on what we can do right.

When this is over,

And it will be over,
We shall be back.
To mourn the loss of loved ones,
To despair at what it felt like.
To look out for neighbours, both local and international.
To build back.
One step at a time, a better, more equal world.
To see the value of life,
Of joined up thinking,
Of collective well being.
To revisit what prosperity means,
And what truly needs rewarding.
Let’s spend this time reflecting,
On what/how we can do better.
Of what we value,
And what we want our children to value.
We shall think of what we can live without,
To differentiate between want, need and greed.
And rethink waste.
To cherish the company of friends and family,
To see that no amount of technology,
Can replace or equal the human connection.
We shall think about the need to see everyone
As real, as people, as the same as us.
No one, no country is an island.
As we have found out.
No person is perfect,
But many are capable of extreme selfishness,
And those we rely on,
Are often the most marginalised.
It will get a lot worse before it begins to get better.

But it will, get better.

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